Trusted Advisers to Growing Businesses
Reliable | Passionate | Innovative

Trusted Advisers to Growing Businesses
Reliable | Passionate | Innovative

International Tax Planning

At JM we specialise in providing international and offshore tax advice tailored to help you to minimise your tax liabilities. We are able to assist clients to structure their future wealth retention in order to minimise direct taxation. Such planning can include the use of suitable offshore tax structures, including trusts and companies and protect your assets.

We can offer bespoke services on a wide range of fiduciary matters to clients who are either resident but not domiciled in the UK, or domiciled but not resident in the UK.

For UK residents, we can advise on tax matters and banking arrangements. If you live, or have business interests, in a region of political instability, we can help you to protect your wealth from taxation, compulsory repatriation or forced-heirship laws. We provide ownership structures for all kinds of assets including yachts, houses, companies and works of art.

Our specialist service disciplines include:

Our offshore and international specialists work closely with our private client team to ensure that your domestic and international wealth management plans are fully integrated.

Expatriate tax service

We regularly advise clients on expatriate tax issues for executives and employees being transferred to or from the UK. Often the inbound executive will be non-domiciled in the UK, so careful planning is needed to minimise tax burdens.
